Physical Fitness

Couple On Beach for Physical Fitnes

Physical Fitness

When you first begin your recovery at Avalon by the Sea, Malibu, you may come to us feeling broken, exhausted and sad. You may also be fearful of what’s to come or have concerns about whether you will complete your rehabilitation.

To help quell much of the anxiety you are experiencing, we offer you undying support throughout your time with us and present you with individualized treatment that focuses solely on your needs. One of the most crucial elements of recovery is your ability to gain a new sense of self, which you can accomplish using many of the holistic modalities we employ.

We have found that physical fitness is a valuable starting point for many individuals, as it prompts immediate change and allows you to build your strength and endurance throughout treatment. When your body is engaged, your mind and spirit will soon follow as you begin to transition into a healthier lifestyle.

The Power of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness embodies more than just exercise. It’s a lifestyle that includes balanced nutrition, adequate rest, and regular personal hygiene. Physical fitness introduces you to a more active and affirming routine that helps you feel more positive about your wellbeing. We start by outlining an individual treatment plan and then gradually introducing basic exercises as you continue through treatment.

Exercise is known to produce a positive response in the brain. The release of dopamine as you increase your heart rate helps you feel at ease and alleviates signs of irritation, anxiety, and depression. As you continue to build your endurance, you’ll find that you have increased stamina that motivates you to practice physical fitness on a regular basis. That same motivation will also inspire you to complete treatment and help you feel confident about your recovery.

Enacting and Maintaining Change

Shifting from a life of substance abuse and mental illness to a task-oriented schedule that includes physical fitness may pose a challenge initially. It can be difficult to boost activity levels if you have gone years without it; however, the stress and training that comes along with exercise will also make you stronger emotionally and physically.

Rather than fight the urges to use drugs and alcohol, physical fitness gives you some of the mental stability you need to fight cravings. You will feel at ease naturally, without the use of substances, which will give you confidence that you can continue a positive lifestyle due to your own willpower.

You are receiving several health benefits in addition to the behavioral advantages that stem from physical activity. Exercise has shown to reduce the risk of conditions like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, osteoporosis, and more.

The mental clarity you receive from regular exercise is essential to your recovery and ability to maintain lifelong sobriety, and you can accomplish it with our help at Avalon Malibu. If you would like more information about our physical fitness program or any of our other treatment modalities, please call us at 888-958-7511 and arrange a confidential assessment.

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