What Valentine’s Day Is About

Each year, Valentine’s Day reels in billions of dollars. On average, each person in the United States spends over $100 on jewelry, cards, chocolates and more. So many gifts are given on this day, especially as those in relationships seek to show their love by offering each other meaningful gifts and tokens of their affection.

Valentines Day in Recovery

Valentine’s Day can be difficult for those in addiction recovery. Sobriety is a process that takes conscious and consistent commitment. Adding external pressures can intensify discomfort for individuals new to sobriety. If you are experiencing feelings of overwhelm as a result of holidays like Valentine’s day, you are not alone. Many who have walked this path before you have felt the same way.

Common Sources of Valentine’s Day Stress:

  • The pressure to be in a relationship even if you aren’t quite ready
  • Financial fear around your ability to afford gifts
  • Anxiety around finding the “perfect” gift for your significant other
  • Increased exposure to alcohol and/or drugs as a result of holiday celebrations

Coping With Valentine’s Day Stressors

Learning to cope with the stressors that come up around the holidays is an important part of your recovery journey. While these times of the year can often elicit feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression, there are ways to manage your experience and support your sobriety in a healthy way. Here are a few suggestions.

Change Your Mindset

Valentine’s day is about showing love to those special people in your life. No one ever said this was limited to romantic relationships. Consider reaching out and supporting the countless other people in your life. A simple phone call or text can do the trick. Maybe even use this day to shower yourself with love and gratitude. Be your own valentine and make the day all about you and your self-care. 

Give Valentine’s Day Your Own Meaning

Decide for yourself what Valentine’s Day means to you. Maybe it’s a day to work on yourself, or to thank yourself for all the dedication and commitment you’ve put into your recovery up to this point. Perhaps it’s a day for you to offer a simple appreciation to the people in your life. Or maybe it’s simply another day to grow in your sobriety. Whatever you decide, the choice is yours to make. 

Need Support?

At Avalon Malibu, we understand the stressors that come up around the holidays. We provide a safe and supported space to work through uncomfortable emotions and practice healthy ways of coping. There are many obstacles on the road to recovery from addiction and we are committed to helping you develop the tools you need to overcome them. Living a life of freedom from drugs and/or alcohol is possible. It’s never too late to take that first step towards health and happiness. Call us today at 844-857-5992 for a consultation.

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