What Necessitates Acupuncture?

acupuncture needles on stones

Work obligations, family issues, and deep-rooted problems can reappear daily and can make us feel weak, upset, and helpless. Health issues can leave us feeling as though we cannot do the things that we want to, and that can be very upsetting. Acupuncture is a popular, holistic treatment method aimed to ameliorate many negative effects that we experience.

There are many reasons why someone may choose to use acupuncture. Here is a breakdown of the most common causes in need of this form of treatment:

  1. Stress: Humans are energy mechanisms, and when we are stressed, many of those pathways of energy throughout our body becomes blocked. Acupuncture opens these pathways through the insertion of needles throughout the body, essentially known as “opening our meridians”.
  2. Pain: Back, neck, shoulder, hip, joint, and carpal tunnel pain are all common reasons to seek acupuncture. The back and neck are major concerns, because we carry all our weight and stress within these entities. Additionally, the hip is often a common reason because almost all our physical movement involves the hips.
  3. Anxiety and depression: Many people wish to use acupuncture for anxiety and depression because they want something holistic. Acupuncture is said to address the Spirit and the Heart. In ancient Chinese medicine, it is stated that when the spirit feels disturbed, the heart becomes restless. When this happens, people become disconnected from their heart and seek acupuncture to help them realign.
  4. Fertility: For couples using in-vitro fertilization (IVF), acupuncture is known to increase the number of follicles produced, help thicken the endometrial lining, and decrease the side effects of many IVF medications. Overall, acupuncture helps prepare the uterus and female reproductive system.
  5. Addiction: Many people who suffer from addiction use acupuncture to help them feel more balanced. People who often rely on sugary foods, salty foods, alcohol, smoking or even working too much may benefit from this form of treatment.
  6. Digestive issues: Through acupuncture, we may be able to get to the root cause of our digestive issues. By examining digestive problems, acupuncture can typically identify if it’s the spleen, liver, or other organ that is causes these issues.
  7. Carpal tunnel syndrome: We often utilize wrists, thumbs, and fingers in our profession and while this makes us productive, it also causes us much pain. Acupuncture is often used to help alleviate this pain and bring more energy flow, or qi flow, into our pathways.

While this list is not exhaustive, these are the most common reasons for why acupuncture is needed. Acupuncture has been proven to help reduce many negative effects of these issues. If you are considering acupuncture, speak with your doctor and an acupuncturist today to see if this is the right treatment method for you.


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