Unpacking the Impact of Grief on Mental Health

Unpacking the Impact of Grief on Mental Health

The impact of grief on mental health is something that’s not often talked about. Grief is something that most of us will deal with and it can be an incredibly complex subject. At Avalon Malibu, we love spreading awareness about various mental health topics and sharing what recommendations we give our clients. If you’d like to speak with a member of our Avalon Malibu team about your current mental health, you can always go ahead and give us a call.

The Impact of Grief

Grief is something that many of us don’t consider or think about until we’re confronted with it. Whether you’re currently grieving or just want to learn more about the subject, take a look at the following ways that grief can influence someone’s mental health. Keep in mind that everyone’s situation is unique and what makes sense for someone won’t make sense for someone else.


Many people find that their anxiety levels increase when they go through a period of grief. While this is completely “normal,” that doesn’t mean that it’s easy to cope with. Starting therapy can be a great option if you’re struggling with anxiety. Another option that can work very well alongside therapy is medication. Medication can be an extremely effective way to manage anxiety, so consider if this could be the right option for you.


There are many things that can impact mental health, but sleep is one of the most prevalent. If you’re getting too much or too little sleep, it might be a sign that your mental health needs some attention. Grief can significantly change someone’s sleep habits, so it’s an area to keep an eye on.


Going through a period of grief can significantly increase your stress levels. By focusing on reducing your stress, you can improve your mental health and overall well-being. Consider thinking about some small steps that you can take today to actively reduce your stress.

We understand that grief is incredibly complex. If you’d like to start focusing on your mental health (or continue doing so) then one of the best next steps is reaching out to our team. You can go ahead and give us a call today at (844) 857-5992 if you’d like to speak with a member of our staff. We can help you narrow down your treatment options and try to help you make sure that you’re on the right track.

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