Understanding the Different Types of Trauma Disorders

Understanding the Different Types of Trauma Disorders

Anyone of any age, race, or gender may experience trauma at some point in their life. Trauma comes in many different forms. However, unaddressed trauma can cause ongoing mental and physical symptoms. Often, trauma-related symptoms resolve within a few months. Yet if someone is experiencing persistent symptoms after facing a traumatic event, they may be developing a trauma disorder. This type of situation is much more common than many people realize. Although trauma can be a sensitive topic to discuss, Avalon Malibu’s revolutionary treatment provides the strategies and empathetic support needed to assist their clients in healing from and understanding all types of trauma disorders.

Understanding the Different Types of Trauma Disorders: What Is Trauma?

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), trauma can negatively impact individuals, families of all sizes, and communities as a whole. Chronic active trauma symptoms and complications regarding past trauma merit attention. Those who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event or circumstance typically require a positive healing and recovery process to improve their mental health. Trauma consists of experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event that can include the following:

  • Verbal, physical, or sexual assault and abuse
  • Neglect
  • Domestic violence
  • Separation from or abandonment by a loved one
  • Severe chronic or terminal illness
  • Intrusive medical procedures
  • Unhealthy, unsafe, and unstable living environments
  • Bullying
  • Natural disasters
  • War and combat

Understanding the Different Types of Trauma Disorders: How Does Trauma Affect Mental Health?

Based on the aforementioned SAMHSA webpage, any form of trauma can leave lasting effects on an individual’s mental or physical health. Trauma can destroy people’s self-esteem, confidence, and sense of self-worth. For example, if someone experiences a life-threatening incident and becomes injured, disabled, or contracts a disease, these physical health effects can impact their mental health. A major lack of support or mobility can cause significant mental health challenges.

Additionally, it is common for people to blame themselves for any mistreatment or feel the circumstance surrounding their trauma were deserved. Some people may even go as far as questioning their spiritual beliefs after experiencing a trauma.

Even though an individual may endure several mental health complications, no one deserves to undergo any form of trauma. A life-threatening incident is never the victim’s fault. Everyone deserves a chance to heal and move forward from stressful, frightening, or distressing events.

The Importance of Understanding Trauma Disorders

Knowing that psychological trauma can severely impact an individual’s way of life, it may be wise for one to become more aware of the different types of trauma disorders. Doing so may not only assist an individual in pinpointing their potential condition but help them bring awareness to others as well. Those who have endured serious injuries in auto accidents, stabbings, fires, falls, shootings, or other tragic events have an increased likelihood of experiencing the onset of trauma-related disorders.

Different Types of Trauma Disorders

Literature suggests that historical trauma causes repercussions across generations. Many individuals experience grief, major depression, substance abuse, and traumatic stress as well as a significant loss of knowledge about one’s language, identity, and culture.

Trauma-related mental disorders and psychological symptoms associated with traumatic stress include but are not limited to:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): This is a mental health condition that develops after a tragic event. The disorder involves symptoms like negative thoughts and beliefs, anxiety, flashbacks, hypervigilance, and more.
  • Acute stress disorder (ASD): Similar to PTSD, this condition generally involves stress reactions that happen between three days and four weeks following a traumatic event. However, symptoms do not last as long as they would with PTSD.
  • Substance use disorder (SUD): A strong link exists between trauma and addiction. Many individuals self-medicate with harmful substances in the hopes of masking their symptoms. However, prolonged addiction puts one at increased risk of severe SUD. This is a chronic brain disease that involves impairment of one’s reward system.
  • Panic disorder: This condition involves panic attacks that consist of sudden, intense feelings of fear that cause physical symptoms. Symptoms commonly include a racing heart, abnormal breathing, and sweating.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): This mental health disorder involves a constant sense of fear. Those with GAD excessively worry about everyday things, leaving them feeling greatly overwhelmed.

Moving Forward With Avalon Malibu’s Trauma Treatment Center

Unaddressed trauma can impair many different aspects of an individual’s life. Still, it is not easy for many people to come to terms with past or current trauma. This can be due to fears of negative judgment, hurtful stigma, or painful stereotypes from others. Some trauma survivors may see themselves as irreparably wounded or incapable of healing.

Avalon Malibu’s expert staff proudly dedicates themselves to assisting with an accurate diagnosis and intense psychotherapy. Doing so promotes the resolution of lifelong problems involving trauma. Treatment includes family members when necessary and appropriate. This luxurious mental health facility offers holistic care modalities as well as aftercare services to help clients sustain long-term recovery.

Sometimes trauma can remain in a person’s body and psyche for years. At Avalon Malibu, our revolutionary treatment provides the strategies and support needed to accelerate recovery. Whether the traumatic event occurred years ago or yesterday, it is possible to heal and move on. At our Grand House, trauma is uncovered and faced, and clients are given the tools needed to heal. Working through trauma can be challenging and frightening, and recovering from a traumatic event requires effort and focus. Clients heal at their own pace and our expert professionals approach each person as an individual. Call Avalon Malibu at (844) 857-5992 to gain the support needed to overcome past trauma and enjoy a better quality of life. 

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