The Role of Healing Your Inner Child in Addiction Recovery

The Role of Healing Your Inner Child in Addiction Recovery

Childhood trauma can cause lasting damage. Many survivors of childhood trauma carry deep feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-esteem. Unfortunately, it is also common for those with a history of childhood trauma to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. If you’ve experienced a traumatic childhood event, you may tend to engage in self-destructive behaviors in the hopes of coping with the negative effects of unaddressed trauma. However, those strategies only offer temporary relief and can ultimately worsen your mental and physical health. The good news is that the skilled staff at Avalon Malibu can provide counseling, self-help strategies, and coping skills that facilitate a greater sense of self-worth and well-being. As you continue to receive therapy post-treatment, you can succeed in healing your inner child.

The Negative Impact of Childhood Trauma

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), some people recover more quickly from childhood trauma whereas others take more time to overcome the past. Childhood trauma survivors may experience the following short- and long-term symptoms:

  • Poor academics, increased suspensions, and expulsions
  • Learning disabilities
  • Increased use of mental health services
  • Involvement in juvenile justice and child welfare systems
  • Long-term physical health complications such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes

Childhood trauma happens more frequently than people realize. According to SAMHSA, approximately two-thirds of children have experienced at least one tragic incident by the age of 16. Every day, more than 1,000 kids are treated in an emergency setting for injuries related to physical assault.

Recognizing the Signs of Childhood Trauma

It is common for teens and adults to feel guilty or shameful about having certain feelings or thoughts related to their past. Unresolved trauma can leave people feeling scared, irritable, withdrawn, or angry. Although it can be hard to identify whether you’ve had childhood trauma, certain signs of post-traumatic stress include:

  • Frequent crying spells
  • Night terrors
  • The development of eating disorders
  • Fearful or anxious feelings
  • Depression
  • Self-injurious behavior
  • Attachment problems with a caregiver
  • Poor eating habits
  • Difficulty concentrating

Increased awareness of these symptoms may help you understand that you did indeed experience trauma and that there is hope for healing your inner child.

The Link Between Substance Abuse and Unresolved Childhood Trauma

Experiencing a traumatic childhood event such as persistent abuse, neglect, or lack of dependence can put one at risk for developing substance use disorder (SUD). Childhood trauma compromises an individual’s brain structure and function, rendering them susceptible to cognitive deficits and psychiatric disorders.

According to research published in Depression and Anxiety, a strong link has been found between childhood trauma and the probability of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Additional mental health conditions an individual with a history of trauma may be more prone to developing include:

  • Clinical depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Acute stress disorder
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Dissociative identity disorder
  • Phobias

Strategies for Healing Your Inner Child in Addiction Recovery

People’s most memorable moments stem from a vivid event such as experiencing something very exciting, romantic, and or tragic. Therefore, it can be tough to overcome the negative effects of childhood trauma. Sometimes it can be helpful to practice using self-help strategies to better cope with emotions. Doing so may help prevent relapse and ease mental health complications associated with past trauma.

Tips for healing one’s inner child include the following:

  • Accepting support from family and friends
  • Practicing mindfulness and meditation
  • Learning to identify certain triggers
  • Getting outdoors more often
  • Reducing daily stressors
  • Attending support groups
  • Developing a structured routine to eliminate unwanted triggers
  • Trying new hobbies to increase one’s self-esteem

Avalon Malibu’s Therapy Options for Healing Your Inner Child

Finding the right treatment can feel like an overwhelming process. However, taking time to develop an individualized treatment plan with a trained specialist at Avalon Malibu can improve one’s overall experience. Combining self-help strategies in combination with professional care can enhance an individual’s path to recovery from childhood trauma. Many people have found success after discussing a variety of treatment options with their mental health team. Participating in individual or group therapy or a variety of holistic options can be beneficial.

Many victims of childhood trauma take comfort in knowing that Avalon Malibu provides its clients with a safe and confidential space for treatment. The mental health team provides the emotional support needed for people to find a way to succeed in healing their inner child. The professional support team at Avalon’s luxurious treatment facility helps facilitate a lasting recovery.

Everyone deserves to be healed both mentally and physically from past mistreatment. With professional care, you can develop increased trust and experience improved relationships with family and friends. The various therapy options that aid in trauma recovery at Avalon Malibu include:

  • Stabilization
  • Couples and family therapy
  • Group psychotherapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Art therapy
  • Writing therapy
  • Relapse prevention plans

At Avalon Malibu, we are a California-based licensed treatment center dedicated to the healing of adults experiencing substance abuse disorders (SUDs) and mental health issues. Our team of professionals understands that childhood trauma can negatively impact your entire life. We help people heal from childhood trauma by utilizing a combination of holistic methodologies, expressive arts, and research-based psychotherapies. Our luxurious treatment facility offers both a residential drug rehabilitation center as well as a residential mental health treatment center. The process of healing is one of self-realization. This includes the peeling away of the fears and negativity that obscure the light of your core self. Call Avalon Malibu at (844) 857-5992 to learn more about the support we offer.

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