Tag: support

Softening the Weight of Anxiety

Softening the Weight of Anxiety

Anxiety can feel like a blanket, only instead of comforting you, it suffocates you. It can feel heavy, dark, isolating, and can leave you wondering if it will ever leave. Although anxiety may feel like it is consuming your life, Read More ›

Why Connection Is Essential for Healing

Why Connection Is Essential for Healing

Healthy connections with others can be something you desire just as much as you resist. This is usually the case with all things that are desired most because it is common to experience fear surrounding that which you most want. Read More ›

What are Trauma Responses?

What are Trauma Responses?

Most people have experienced some form of trauma in their life. Regardless of what type of trauma you have encountered, it is valid and you deserve proper healing. There is not a trauma that is “better” or “worse” than another Read More ›

Cultivating the Ability to Be Alone

Cultivating the Ability to Be Alone

Healing journeys can be lonely. Whether you are healing from addiction, mental illness, or something else, it can feel as if nobody understands what you are going through and how exhausting the process is. As lonely as healing journeys can Read More ›

Allowing Yourself to Receive Support

Allowing Yourself to Receive Support

One of the most challenging things to do, especially if you identify as a “giver” more than a “taker,” is allowing yourself to receive support. Letting your guard down, allowing others to support you, and being vulnerable can be uncomfortable Read More ›

Confronting Addiction as a Family


Addiction can be an isolating and debilitating experience. However, it still affects the people in one’s life — friends, workplace peers and especially one’s own family.  While a person may want to address their struggle with an addiction to drugs Read More ›

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