relapse | Avalon Malibu - Page 3

Tag: relapse

How Likely Is It That I Will Relapse?

girls on pool floats

It’s normal to feel worried about relapse – in the addiction and mental illness recovery realm, many people fear relapse because it is seen as this horrible sign of failure, even though it isn’t. In fact, many recovery experts say Read More ›

What Happens in the Moment of Relapse?


Anyone who suffers from an addiction knows that recovery is a challenging, lifelong process. We must constantly be aware of our stressors and triggers to note if we are in a situation where we feel the need to repeat old Read More ›

4 Relapse Prevention Strategies

word Relapse

Recovering from drug or alcohol abuse is a process.  This process will look differently for each person.  You might find that you enjoy a particular 12-step meeting or have non-using friends that can support you.  Whatever is working for you, Read More ›

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