Tag: rehab

The Benefits of Partial Hospitalization

woman standing while group claps

Partial hospitalization typically involves the most intensive care available outside of nonresidential programs, and it could be just want you need. It is often used for people who suffer from addiction and abuse, mental health disorders, and/or behavioral health disorders. Read More ›

Promising Treatments for PTSD

PTSD word cloud

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health issue that arises after someone has experienced a traumatic event. Symptoms of PTSD often include nightmares, flashbacks, emotional numbness, hyperarousal such as difficulty sleeping, feeling jumpy, and more. War veterans often experience Read More ›

What Are The Types Of Bipolar Disorder?

woman with bipolar disorder

Bipolar I Disorder Episodes of mania last at least 7 days Symptoms of mania can become so severe that hospitalization is required During episodes of mania there are incidents with police or other official governing agencies Depressive episodes last 2 Read More ›

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