Healthy connections with others can be something you desire just as much as you resist. This is usually the case with all things that are desired most because it is common to experience fear surrounding that which you most want.… Read More ›
Tag: mental illness
Making Peace With the Inner Critic

Many, if not all, humans have a voice inside their heads known as the “inner critic.” Although what this voice sounds like differs from person to person, it is common for this voice to keep you stuck in patterns of… Read More ›
Getting to Know Yourself Outside of Mental Illness

Part of recovering from mental illness and substance use includes getting to know who you are outside of those things. Experiences such as addiction, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses can cloud your sense of self and block you from… Read More ›
Shifting the Way You View Relapse

Relapse is a common experience in recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) and mental illness. Although relapsing may feel as if you are backpedaling, you could also view it as a chance to deepen your relationship with yourself and your… Read More ›
You Can Stop Doing What You Think You Should Do

How many times a day do you do something because you think you should, even though you don’t want to? Likewise, how many of your goals and desires are ones you think you should have or stem from what somebody… Read More ›
Your Diagnosis Does Not Define You

Receiving a diagnosis for a mental illness can be comforting as it normalizes what you are experiencing. It can also provide a framework and direction for what treatment may be needed for recovery. However, it can also be something you… Read More ›
Working With Resistance in Mental Illness Recovery

When it comes to recovery from substance abuse, mental illness, and creating any change in your life in general, you will probably encounter resistance. Although resistance can often be uncomfortable and destabilizing, learning to work with resistance rather than against… Read More ›
Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are a subset of mental health disorders that revolve around unexpected or illogical thought and behavioral patterns. They can alter the way that one handles personal and social situations. Personality disorders fundamentally change the way that an individual… Read More ›
Interrupting the Circular Thinking of Obsessive Thoughts
Getting in a thought cycle of rumination, worry, obsession, or repetitive, looping thoughts all cause a person extreme frustration. It can take up all of your energy and mental capacity, making it feel impossible to think about anything else. These… Read More ›
Shift Your Perspective and Ease Your Depression

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 264 million people suffer from depression worldwide. Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States. Depression can look very different depending on the person, with over 50… Read More ›
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