Signs You’re Growing In Recovery

self care

Believe it or not, the changes do come. One day at a time, you’re transforming in ways you might not even notice until months down the line. The time and effort is worth it. Here are some of the things you’re going to notice the longer you stay sober and do the work.

Taking Care Of Yourself: Mind, body, and spirit, you have learned to tend to yourself in the ways that you need. You’ve learned every form of self-care you need, from getting enough sleep to cooking healthy and nutritious meals, or at least making sure you’re fed. Hygiene is a normal part of your life and you even do your own laundry, however begrudgingly.

Doing Things For Yourself: You know how to make appointments and keep them, leave with enough time to arrive on time, and be fully present. You can grocery shop, you’ve learned how to budget to a degree, and you’re able to meet your basic needs on your own.

You Take Responsibility: When you’re wrong, you promptly admit it. You don’t blame everyone else anymore. In fact, you understand that looking for your part in any situation is an important practice for your recovery.

Routines Are Routine Now: You are able to create routines and stick to them. When a routine needs adjusting, you are able to do so without falling apart. You’ve learned how to structure your life in a healthy and balanced way to support you, your recovery, and having fun.

You Appreciate The Work: Almost everyone in early recovery has moments of entitlement, lacking in gratitude, and waiting for everything to change. You learned that you had to put in the work in order to get results. Now, you’ve found the willingness to apply yourself to what you want in all areas of your life.

You’re A Constant Work In Progress: One area at a time, you continue to tackle your recovery from all angles. Need to take a look at your anger? You’re in. Having some codependency issues in a new relationship? You’re willing to take a look. Need to confront some disordered eating behaviors? You’re going to try new things. After witnessing the miraculous changes which have come to you through recovery, you know that it’s all about progress, not perfection.

You’re Okay With You: Your relationship with yourself may not be perfect, but it is certainly different than it used to be. You are comfortable in your own skin, you can stand looking at yourself in a mirror, and you no longer feel like the room walks around you after you walk into a room. You’re even beginning to like yourself. For many in early recovery, self-hatred or self-loathing is common. You’re learning to love yourself and be okay with the amazing, courageous you that you are.

We know what incredible changes are waiting for you on the other side of addiction. If you or a loved one are ready to see changes come to fruition through residential treatment, Avalon Malibu is ready to welcome you to our trusted programs for mental health and substance abuse recovery. For a confidential assessment and more information on our programs, call 1 888-958-7511.

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