Should Your Child Start Therapy?

Should Your Child Start Therapy?

If your child struggles with their mental health, you may be wondering whether or not they should start therapy. Let’s discuss this further and go over some things we recommend at Avalon Malibu when parents are unsure about their child beginning therapy. We do offer therapy here at Avalon Malibu, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions after reading this blog.

Your Child and Therapy

There are a few different things that you should take into account when trying to decide if your child should start therapy. While the following list is certainly not comprehensive, it can be helpful as you try to make this big decision.

Known Trauma

If your child has gone through a significant trauma, then that’s one of the first signs that they should start therapy. Consider doing some research to see if there are any therapists in your area who specialize in this type of trauma. This can be a great way to narrow down your options and make sure that the therapist you select has the right training and knowledge to truly help your child.

Big Life Transitions

Children often don’t know how to cope in positive ways when it comes to big life transitions. Whether it be parents divorcing or a best friend moving away, there are so many big life transitions that can be talked about in therapy. By choosing to put your child in therapy, you can be sure that they’ll have a safe space where they can be open and transparent. This can provide you with peace of mind and reassurance that you made the right decision.

Concerning Symptoms

If your child is showing some concerning mental health symptoms, that’s another sign that it might be time to consider therapy. Before you book an appointment with a therapist, take some time to write down the symptoms that you’ve noticed.

We understand that whether or not your child should start therapy can be an overwhelming decision to make. If you still have questions after reading this blog, we’d love to speak with you more about this topic. You can go ahead and give us a call today at (844) 857-5992. We’re here to answer any questions you may have and we can point you in the right direction towards a therapist that might make sense for your little one. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today!

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