Reframing Your Thoughts

Reframing Your Thoughts

If you struggle with negative or unwanted thoughts, you’re not alone. There are so many people who are in a similar situation. In fact, it’s something that we work with many of our clients on at Avalon Malibu. If you’re struggling with challenging thoughts, the good news is that reframing your thoughts is entirely possible. Let’s dive into this topic further and go over what we recommend our Avalon Malibu clients consider when they’re in a similar situation.

Reframing Your Thoughts

By focusing on reframing your thoughts, you can gain mental clarity, focus on the thoughts you want to, and improve your overall mental well-being. If you’re ready to start reframing your thoughts, take a look at the following suggestions. Take some time to think about if any of them could be right for you.


When it comes to reframing your thoughts, it can be helpful to keep a journal. When you’re going through an especially challenging moment, you can turn to your journal and record the unwanted thoughts that you’re having. This can be a great way to reflect and be able to look back on the past thoughts that you’ve had. Consider finding a journal that you’ll be able to keep with you and refer back to easily.


One of the top ways to work on reframing your thoughts is to find a therapist. We strongly believe in the importance of therapy for mental health. If you’re going to start therapy with the purpose of reframing your thoughts, consider doing some research to see if there’s anyone in your area with that specialty.


Like many things in life, reframing your thoughts requires practice. You should be prepared to see gradual progress. By continuing to practice reframing your thoughts, you’ll be able to improve your mental health. When it comes to practicing, consider setting specific goals for yourself that you can work towards when it comes to managing your thoughts.

If you’re still feeling unsure about how to reframe your thoughts, you’re not alone. It can be helpful to start therapy and learn tools that you can use when you encounter difficult thoughts. If you’d like to speak with a member of our staff about starting therapy at our treatment center, you can go ahead and give us a call today at (844) 857-5992. We’ll be happy to provide you with some more information and help you narrow down your treatment options.

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