Redefining Your Priorities in Recovery

Redefining Your Priorities in Recovery

Recovery is a great time to re-establish the priorities, desires, and goals you have for yourself in your life. Having awareness of what is and is not important to you can help you align your actions with the things that are most important to you.

Getting Curious

Before you can decide which actions are in alignment with your priorities, it can be helpful to first get curious about what really matters to you and what kind of impact you want to make. Knowing these things can inform your choices for what you do and who you are in the world.

For instance, you could ask yourself:

  • What are my values?
  • What is most important to me?
  • What is it that I desire (today, this week, this month, this year, in life)?
  • If I were living in alignment with my most authentic self, what might I do and who might I be?

Letting Go

To create space for new ways of doing, being, thinking, and feeling that are congruent with your priorities, you have to first let go of old patterns that are blocking you from growth and healing. Letting go can feel hard, especially when you are letting go of ways of being that you feel have kept you safe.

You can still honor and accept the former parts of you that prevented you from creating change while reminding yourself that you are safe to let them go so you can chase what really matters.

Doing the Opposite

So much of healing is choosing to do the opposite of what you have always done. Once you have given yourself permission to let go of what is no longer supporting you and the goals you have, you can do the opposite. This is what leads to living in alignment with your values, priorities, and desires.

Shifting your life so that it is in alignment with how you want to grow can be challenging, especially as it asks you to let go of old habits. By getting curious about what is important to you, letting go of what is not, and doing the opposite, you can start trusting yourself to expand into a new relationship with yourself, others, and life.

Recovery from addiction and mental illness can be a time to begin intentionally living in alignment with your goals, authentic self, values, and desires. Although this can be an exciting time, it can also be scary to let go of things that feel familiar. At Avalon Malibu, we understand how difficult healing can be and are here to support you as you discover your priorities and what you need to do to be in alignment with them. If you are ready for support in your growth, call Avalon Malibu today at (844) 857-5992.

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