Mental Health and Hygiene

Mental Health and Hygiene

The effects of stress and mental health disorders can impact every aspect of daily life, from a person’s work, self-care, and sleep to their hygiene. Mental health and hygiene can also be more interconnected than many may realize. Those living with anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or any other mental health disorder may have compromised hygiene routines. This lack of hygiene can cause even more challenges in overcoming emotional states. However, there are always options at Avalon Malibu for those navigating their healing to engage in a healthy hygiene routine. 

The Daily Impact of Mental Health and Hygiene

Those living with mental health disorders can face any number of symptoms, each of which can be exceptionally difficult to navigate. From feeling like a person can’t get out of bed to persistent periods of low mood, hopelessness, or a lack of motivation, it can be difficult to tend to hygiene routines. However, ignoring hygiene routines can further these difficult feelings, and can leave a person feeling “stuck,” both mentally and physically. 

Taking control of hygiene routines while overcoming the effects of mental health disorders can have many benefits for challenging the effects of mental health disorders. For some, the feeling of agency and control that comes with deciding to get up in the morning and take a shower can be an important tone to set for the day ahead. Others living with mental health disorders can create a nighttime hygiene routine to promote healthier sleep cycles, improving self-care and resilience to address stressful feelings. 

Taking Control of Mental Health and Hygiene

Creating a plan to address hygiene while overcoming mental health disorders can be incredibly important, and can be the first step toward challenging many different aspects and effects of these challenges. Working with the professionals and peers at Avalon Malibu can help each person create a hygiene routine that works for them. 

Keep Morning Alarms Consistent

Sleep can be challenging for those living with mental health disorders. Having a regular sleep routine and consistent morning alarms can ensure that each day starts with a degree of predictability and consistency. 

Pay Attention to Healthy Meals

Eating healthy can also be essential for creating a healthy hygiene routine, ensuring that a person is caring for their bodies and minds in every way possible. Avoiding overly sugary foods or caffeine and replacing such options with healthy alternatives can promote a healthier mental state.

The Power of a Shower

Showers can not only help a person physically clean their body but can also be a great time to emotionally “wash off” harbored stresses. Taking a long shower to process stress, or to get away from stresses for a while, can be a great way to blend healthy hygiene and mindfulness techniques.

Just Get Dressed

Changing out of pajamas and into even casual attire can affect a person’s mental health, even if they aren’t planning on going out that day. Getting dressed for the day can get the body and mind moving and promote a more positive outlook without feeling emotionally or physically “trapped.”

Tending to hygiene in recovery is paramount, and we at Avalon Malibu can help you explore every way that you can further your recovery goals each day. Starting the day with proper hygiene can improve both physical and mental health, and promote further healing. Combining new hygiene routines with the proven therapies at Avalon Malibu, each backed by a community of peers and dedicated professionals, can empower you to take control of a healthy daily life. For more information on how we can help you, call us at (844) 857-5992.

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