Meditation and Hearing Voices

Meditation and Hearing Voices

Those living with mental health disorders can sometimes hear voices in their heads, and this experience can be incredibly distressing. Processing these voices is paramount to prevent further stress and risky behaviors that may negatively impact oneself or others. Meditation can be one way to address these challenges for those hearing voices and promote a healthier approach to processing them safely, all while working with the staff at Avalon Malibu to further engage in effective and transformative healing. 

Embracing Meditation

Meditation is a powerful recovery technique for navigating stresses and the challenges of many different mental health disorders. From processing depression to anxiety, trauma, and much more, meditation is an important exercise in mindfulness. However, blending meditation with various other strategies and practices is still important, and the peers and professionals at Avalon Malibu can empower each person to explore a personalized combination of strategies to address the effects of mental health disorders, including hearing voices. 

The Benefits of Meditation for Those Hearing Voices

Hearing voices can be incredibly stressful, and many of those who experience it can feel intense levels of anxiety, or even fear. However, meditation can help address these symptoms in several ways, making it an invaluable resource for those pursuing a healthier, transformed daily life. 

Creating a Sense of Calm

Anxiety, depression, and hearing voices can all create a tumultuous emotional state, and an individual may feel compelled to act in a self-destructive manner due to this stress. Meditation helps an individual create a sense of calm, giving each person time to process what they are hearing and feeling before acting. This sense of calm can ensure that each person makes an informed choice on how to respond, encouraging effective grounding strategies and improved decision-making skills. 

Situating in Reality

Meditation is a powerful mindfulness practice and can be instrumental in situating a person in the present reality. Hearing voices can feel incredibly overwhelming, and meditation can empower those experiencing these voices to instead focus on their current physical environment and effectively ground themselves. Separating oneself from these voices and grounding oneself in physical reality can be paramount to mitigating their impact on an individual.

Improved Self-Awareness When Hearing Voices

Meditation can also help those hearing voices to practice self-awareness, helping to identify stresses, triggers, and any changes to a person’s stress levels that may impact the voices they hear, their frequency, intensity, or message. Working with professionals to further this self-awareness can be paramount to identifying these challenges and creating new strategies to process them safely. 

Hearing voices is stressful, and professional treatment is necessary to challenge these voices and create a healthier daily life. At Avalon Malibu, we understand the need for personalized, professional treatment to navigate these voices. Meditation is just one skill available and can be combined with various other proven therapeutic modalities to help you construct your best approach to a healthier daily life. For more information on how we can create a treatment plan that is right for you, call to speak to us today at (844) 857-5992.

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