How Massage Can Support Your Treatment

Massage therapy is used to help manage health conditions, as well as to help enhance individuals’ wellness. With massage therapy, muscles are manipulated in a way that eases pain and reinforces healing; for many people, massage therapy is an excellent addition to treatment at Avalon Malibu as the mind, body and spirit work to heal and rejuvenate from the negative aftermath of substance abuse.

One type of massage therapy in particular – Thai massage – can greatly help a person relaxes and provides many benefits. It’s a bit different from traditional massage therapy approaches in that it involves the client lying on a padded mat on the floor, in which a masseuse guides and manipulates a person’s body into yoga positions and stretches. 

Some clear benefits are Thai massage are lowered stress, boosted energy levels, experiencing greater relief from headaches, enhanced circulation, improved range of motion and so much more.Thai massage can assist with all types of back pain as well, including upper and lower back pain, neck and shoulder issues, osteoarthritis of the knee, headaches and other conditions. For those in addiction recovery, the pain experienced from withdrawal and general healing can really wear a person down physically and mentally. Massage therapy, such as Thai massage, can gently help a person improve their mental, physical and spiritual health while promoting sobriety in their recovery journey.

Alongside receiving Thai massage, it can be helpful for those in recovery to practice daily breathing and stretching exercises. For those who are more comfortable staying fully clothed, Thai massage can also be a great opportunity for staying relaxed without having to take off clothes. If you’re ready to explore Thai massage, along with a variety of other holistic practices aimed at benefiting your addiction recovery journey, speak with a professional from Avalon Malibu today. 

Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed mental health and substance abuse recovery center. If you are ready to seek treatment to develop the tools you need to overcome life’s obstacles and be on the road towards happiness, health, and well-being, call us today at 844-857-5992 for a consultation. It’s never too late, and there are people here ready to help you – it’s never too late to begin taking steps towards a happier, healthier life. 

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