Learning How to Express Tough Emotions

Learning How To Express Your Emotions

It can be challenging for some individuals to express tough emotions in healthy ways. If people do not express their emotions freely, they may unintentionally harbor negative thoughts. Emotion suppression can often lead to mental health complications and unhealthy behaviors. Knowing there are many drawbacks that can come from harboring unpleasant emotions, practicing self-help strategies can help one better cope with their mental health. Participating in group therapy at Avalon Malibu can also help clients effectively express tough emotions to gain a better quality of life. 

Why Is It Hard for Some People to Express Tough Emotions?

Many individuals find it difficult to express their emotions. This can be due to several different reasons. It depends on the individual’s state of mental health. Poor mental health can put a serious strain on relationships with loved ones, making it even harder to open up about their feelings.

For example, an individual with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may find it challenging to open up about their past. Trauma alone is a very sensitive topic. It may take someone who has experienced a tragic event some time to process their thoughts. An individual experiencing issues long after the trauma may blame themselves for what had happened to them or feel intense rage or anger towards the person who harmed their loved one. Unresolved trauma can often lead to PTSD. Untreated PTSD can negatively interfere with an individual’s emotional state. PTSD symptoms such as irritability, paranoia, and flashbacks can make it highly difficult for one to express tough emotions in a healthy way. 

The Drawbacks of Harboring Unpleasant Emotions

An individual facing challenges with their mental health may avoid seeking professional care for a number of reasons. They may fear hurtful stigma, the cost of treatment, or simply be unaware they need help. As a result, it is common for those facing challenges with their mental health to hold back unpleasant emotions. 

When an individual suppresses their emotions, this can often lead to unwanted stress, co-occurring depression, or anxiety. Withdrawing from loved ones or shutting down instead of communicating hard feelings can impair relationships with friends and family. There is a growing indication that emotional regulation affects adaptation as well. Studies have highlighted that although those who suppress their emotions tend to miss out on opportunities to create meaningful relationships, not everyone evokes poor evaluations from others. 

It is highly common for those who do not seek support to self-medicate with harmful substances. Suppressing emotions with drugs and alcohol can only worsen one’s condition and further damage other aspects of their life. Others may engage in self-injurious behaviors. Deliberately hurting body parts is a harmful way to cope with unpleasant emotions. Self-harm can lead to an unwanted accident or death and typically requires immediate medical care. 

How Can Group Therapy at Avalon Malibu Help Clients Express Tough Emotions?

Research indicates that group therapy is an effective intervention for treating multiple clients experiencing problems coping with their mental health. Avalon Malibu prides itself in helping its clients begin to express tough emotions in safe and healthy ways. Participating in group therapy at their luxurious treatment center can help one heal any unhealthy coping that may have developed as a result. 

Group therapy can be used to treat various conditions, including but not limited to emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and PTSD. This type of therapy can be a great option for those who need additional support. It is the perfect treatment option to help assist those in building healthy relationships with like-minded individuals.

Group therapy helps individuals understand they are not the only ones facing challenges with their mental health. Different activities help those having difficulty expressing their emotions open up for comfort and relief. Clients at Avalon Malibu benefit from learning new strategies to express their emotions safely and effectively. Benefits of group psychotherapy at Avalon Malibu include: 

  • Improved interpersonal skills
  • Reduced stress
  • Strengthened relationships
  • Reduced isolation
  • Sense of community
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence
  • Gained perspectives of others
  • Relapse prevention
  • Safe and supportive environment 
  • Confidentiality

Self-Help Strategies to Effectively Express Tough Emotions

It can be especially difficult for an individual with a dual diagnosis to effectively express their emotions in a healthy way. Although a dual diagnosis of, say, PTSD and addiction can be challenging to treat, it can be helpful for one to follow certain self-help strategies. Incorporating self-care into one’s routine combined with professional treatment such as group therapy can work to help individuals effectively express tough emotions. Beneficial self-care strategies may include: 

  • Slowing down and learning to recognize tough emotions
  • Trying to describe certain feelings in a positive way
  • Swapping “you” for I
  • Expressing certain emotions in a creative way through fun activities
  • Trying not to internalize judgment from others
  • Using self-reflection

Avalon Malibu Mental Health & Addiction Treatment Center is a California state-licensed residential addiction and mental health treatment center dedicated to the healing of adults experiencing substance use disorders as well as psychiatric and mental health issues. Human beings are wired for connection. Studies have consistently shown that we are social creatures who thrive on interacting with others, and our brains release feel-good chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin in response to friendship and intimacy. Group experiential and recreational therapies also help clients express their feelings and build a happier lifestyle. In recovery, art groups and other activity choices serve a purpose that goes far beyond entertainment. Call Avalon Malibu at(844) 857-5992 for emotional support.

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