
Reframing Your Thoughts

Reframing Your Thoughts

If you struggle with negative or unwanted thoughts, you’re not alone. There are so many people who are in a similar situation. In fact, it’s something that we work with many of our clients on at Avalon Malibu. If you’re Read More ›

Therapy and Confidentiality

Therapy and Confidentiality

At Avalon Malibu, we provide therapy and strongly believe in its importance. Focusing on your mental health is essential and there are many different topics that can accompany discussing therapy. At Avalon Malibu, we love speaking with our clients about Read More ›

4 Mental Health Affirmations

4 Mental Health Affirmations

At Avalon Malibu, we believe in the importance of using comprehensive tools to ensure that our clients have a wide variety of types of support. One thing that we recommend to our Avalon Malibu clients is mental health affirmations. By Read More ›

Inner Child Exercises for Better Mental Health

Inner Child Exercises for Better Mental Health

Each person has an “inner child” that stays with them into adulthood. This inner child is a psychological concept where a part of each person remembers childhood experiences, thoughts, and feelings, including both their positive impact and potentially negative or Read More ›

4 Ways to Reduce Mental Health Stigma

4 Ways to Reduce Mental Health Stigma

Pervasive mental health stigma can be a major barrier to effective treatment, and many may feel a great deal of unnecessary stress, anxiety, or depression when faced with their own mental health needs. For some, mental health stigmas can even Read More ›

Finding Your Identity in Recovery

Finding Your Identity in Recovery

Prolonged addiction can change you as a person. Perhaps your past addictive behaviors destroyed relationships with loved ones, distracted you from your hobbies, and hampered your performance in the workplace. Once treatment is completed and you transition into long-term recovery, Read More ›

Meditation and Hearing Voices

Meditation and Hearing Voices

Those living with mental health disorders can sometimes hear voices in their heads, and this experience can be incredibly distressing. Processing these voices is paramount to prevent further stress and risky behaviors that may negatively impact oneself or others. Meditation Read More ›

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