Inner Child Exercises for Better Mental Health

Inner Child Exercises for Better Mental Health

Each person has an “inner child” that stays with them into adulthood. This inner child is a psychological concept where a part of each person remembers childhood experiences, thoughts, and feelings, including both their positive impact and potentially negative or traumatic effects. A person’s inner child still experiences the world through a unique lens that subconsciously affects a person’s behavior. Engaging in inner child exercises can be a great way of addressing mental health healing while also acknowledging the effects of stress and trauma and how they can continue to impact a person’s daily life. 

Embracing Daily Inner Child Exercises

Tending to a person’s inner child can be a great experience, providing self-love and care while facilitating an atmosphere of forgiveness and acceptance. Navigating mental health disorders, stress, and more is incredibly difficult, with many of these feelings being uncomfortable and affecting a person’s inner child. Avalon Malibu can help each person embrace daily inner child exercises.


Using journals in daily life to chronicle feelings, emotions, experiences, and more can be a powerful resource in navigating stress. Engaging in inner child exercises like journaling can provide a safe and private space for a person’s inner child to express their own emotions. This can give voice to one’s inner child and encourage each person to tend to these emotional needs, engage in self-care, and navigate stressful experiences and memories. 

Find Time to Play

Things like taking time to play in adulthood can be largely stigmatized, and even those who may otherwise enjoy playing in daily life may find it difficult due to persistent stresses, responsibilities, and more. However, finding a hobby and “playing” can be a necessary part of healing and improving mental health while tending to the needs of each person’s inner child. 

For some, this can be engaging in a new hobby or game, while others may want to take time to enjoy something they enjoyed as a kid, reliving the nostalgia of a happy childhood memory. 

Practice Inner Child Exercises Through Positive Self-Talk

Self-talk can be a great way of reinforcing positive elements of daily life. Practicing positivity toward oneself, or even expressing gratitude toward oneself in the mirror, can be great inner child exercises. These exercises can help reframe a person’s perception and challenge stressful situations and pervasive negativity that an individual may be exposed to in daily adult life. 

This can be especially important for exploring forgiveness and healing from past childhood traumas or experiences, ensuring that a person’s inner child doesn’t feel “at fault” for such negativity, and instead replaces these ideas with forgiveness and gratitude that can further inform each person’s worldview and perspective. 

Engage in Effective Therapy

Connecting with a person’s inner child can be difficult, with many still struggling with the concept or finding it enigmatic. Professional treatment like the programs at Avalon Malibu can help by providing effective and guided therapy sessions to explore the concept and how the experiences of a person’s inner child affect daily behaviors or beliefs. 

Tending to your inner child can be a necessary part of effective healing. We at Avalon Malibu are prepared to help you explore how your inner child may affect your daily life, as well as explore personalized exercises for healing your inner child. Each of our treatment programs can be personalized to help you find the best ways to connect with your inner child and engage in meaningful, transformative healing. For more information on how we can help you, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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