The Importance Of Step 1 Of The 12 Steps To Recovery

Importance Of Step 1 Of The 12 Steps To Recovery -

We offer many treatment methods but the 12 steps are an important aspect to any one recovery. The first step of the twelve steps to recovery is one of the most important steps. This is the step where you admit that you’ve messed up and you cannot overcome your addiction on your own. It prepares you for the second step in which you find your higher power that you will rely on throughout your recovery process. If you never admit that you need help, you will never be able to fully recover from your drug or alcohol addiction.

Reasons Step 1 Of The 12 Steps Is So Important

There are several reasons this step is so important to your recovery, including:


This step requires you to be honest with yourself. People suffering from drug or alcohol addiction often do not admit they have a problem. They live in a world of denial. When things go wrong, they blame others rather than looking at their addiction. The first step requires you to be open and honest with yourself and admit that your addiction has caused damage in your life. Once you are honest with yourself, you can begin the process of overcoming addiction.


Once you become honest about your weaknesses and addictions, you are accountable for your actions. You become more aware of the actions that have led you to this point and how you must work to change them. This accountability can give you the strength to walk away from your addictions and ask for the help you need.

Open-Mindedness To The Truth

Many people who are trapped in the cycle of addiction don’t give much thought to a higher power. They become wrapped up in their addiction that they lose focus of the things that are most important to them. After you have admitted that you are weak in your addictions, you are ready to seek out your higher power to guide you through the journey of recovery.

Admitting that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol and that you need help is always the first and biggest step of recovery. If you do not complete the first step, you will not be able to continue on the road to healing and life-long sobriety.

Experience How Step 2 Of The 12 Step Program Can Lift You Up In Faith!

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