How to Prepare for Another Lockdown

It is no secret that 2020 has felt rather challenging, to say the least. Amidst all the fear of a deadly virus, the immense loss of jobs and businesses, and a general lack of normalcy for probably months (maybe years) to come, there is this looming energy within it all, that makes us all squirm a little bit in discomfort: isolation. It’s necessary, and we know this, but that doesn’t mean we can’t acknowledge that it’s hard to be alone through these tough times. Especially for those of us in recovery, who thrive within our communities and support groups, it’s been a tough year. If you have made it this far, we are so PROUD of you! Just in case we have another lockdown around the corner, here are a few tips to not only survive but THRIVE through this next upcoming lockdown.

Tips to Thrive Rather Than Survive

  • Get your daily routine down. A daily routine can go out the window when we are stuck inside for weeks (or months) at a time. Giving yourself the structure of a routine and preparing a calendar can be very important for your mental health during these times. A few ideas: set up weekly Zoom gatherings with family and friends and stick to them, look up weekly meetings and support groups and make a commitment to them each week and get outside and go for walks each day.
  • Reach out for support. Meet with your sponsor and/or therapist weekly, and talk about your possible need to reach out more if/when needed. Let your friends know that you are there for them and you would appreciate it if you could reach out to them when you need a little support and have weekly “dates” on the phone or FaceTime with your loved ones. 
  • Do things you love. Just because we are stuck inside doesn’t mean we can’t do things that we love. Sign up for a Zoom art class, test out that pie recipe you’ve been wanting to try, read your favorite book (or perhaps a new one!) and commit to exploring your creativity and/or intellect in ways that are stimulating and enjoyable.


Isolation is difficult for anyone, but especially if we are coming to terms with our recovery path. Human beings are social creatures, but through these difficult times of the pandemic, we must honor the lockdowns for our own welfare and that of others. Recognizing the need for isolation does not make enduring it easier. At Avalon Malibu, we know how difficult it is to get through these times, but you are not alone. If you or someone you love is struggling with isolation during the pandemic, call us today at (844) 857-5992. You deserve to live your best and healthiest life. Avalon can help.

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