Everyone Experiences Anxiety Differently But Can Manage It Similarly

Everyone Experiences Anxiety Differently But Can Manage It Similarly

No two diagnoses of mental illness are exactly alike because no two people experiencing mental illness are exactly alike. Everyone has a different history, different genealogy, different life experiences, different brain chemistry, which contribute to their mental illness. Anxiety isn’t the same in everyone who has anxiety. While each person will have their own experience of anxiety, they will also have many similarities with others. Likewise, people with anxiety can learn similar techniques to manage their anxiety, though the specifics will be different for each person.

All of the unique differences in one case of anxiety to the next is what makes it essential for each individual to learn as much as they can about their personal experience of anxiety. First, it is important to learn about anxiety as a mental illness- the way it functions in the brain, the way it affects the body, and the reason anxiety exists. Next, it is important to learn about your personal experience with anxiety. If you are seeking treatment for your anxiety disorder, you will do an extensive amount of introspection and reflection while working with your personal therapist and using therapeutic techniques for healing, like cognitive behavioral therapy. You’ll be able to identify what triggers your anxiety the most, recognize how your anxiety feels in your body, what anxiety sounds like in your head, and most importantly, you’ll discover what helps you effectively reduce your anxiety.

Mindfulness based stress reduction techniques are proven to help with reducing the symptoms of anxiety. MBSR is a practice of its own. Mindfulness has also spread to other areas of therapy, like a newly created mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy. The practice of mindfulness is neither new nor novel. Mindfulness has been practiced for a very long time by ancient cultures and religions. However, the core of mindfulness practice is non theistic, meaning mindfulness itself is a practice without a higher power. The power of mindfulness lies in the power of noticing. Most people are unaware of how little they notice during the day. Mindfulness is rooted in developing awareness in order to pay attention and notice more about the world. Becoming present with immediate surroundings and realistic thoughts helps disengage the intrusive, future thinking thoughts of anxiety, thereby reducing the stress.


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