4 Ways to Reduce Mental Health Stigma

4 Ways to Reduce Mental Health Stigma

Pervasive mental health stigma can be a major barrier to effective treatment, and many may feel a great deal of unnecessary stress, anxiety, or depression when faced with their own mental health needs. For some, mental health stigmas can even prevent an individual from pursuing otherwise necessary treatment, such as living with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or other mental health disorders. Challenging mental health stigma is necessary to promote not just a healthier approach to healing, but for normalizing these needs for entire families and communities. Avalon Malibu is dedicated to destigmatizing mental health needs and is prepared to work with each person to explore ways of furthering this goal.

Promoting Education to Challenge Mental Health Stigma

Stigmas, especially mental health stigma, can be caused by a lack of understanding or education. While mental health needs and disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and more are becoming more well-known and accepted across various communities, not all people necessarily understand the need for treatment, with words like “treatment” and “recovery” still carrying many negative connotations.

Exploring mental health needs as a disease affecting a person, rather than as a kind of personal failing, is necessary. Doing research oneself, talking to the professionals at Avalon Malibu about mental health diagnoses, and educating peers, loved ones, and community members about the reality of many mental health needs can be a great way to begin to challenge mental health stigma.

Be Open to Conversation

Talking about mental health needs is incredibly important for a variety of reasons. For some, being open to discussing difficult topics can be instrumental in situating oneself as a supportive person in overcoming these challenges, helping to challenge feelings of isolation, loneliness, and more. However, opening these conversations can also help normalize discussions about personal needs that can create an inviting, safe, and supportive atmosphere for those navigating their own mental health needs.

Watch Your Language

Choosing the right language is necessary for challenging mental health stigma. Even the most well-meaning of supports can be compromised if using hurtful language, even unintentionally. Avoiding derogatory terms, like “lunatic” or “addict,” or referring to treatment facilities as “crazy houses” is necessary. Finding more educated terms to refer to mental health disorders, and referring to them as disorders rather than as embedded aspects of a person’s identity, can go a long way in overcoming stigmas.

Call Out Harmful Behavior and Mental Health Stigma

Making effective changes and challenging mental health stigma in one’s own life is important, especially while supporting a loved one or peer. However, it is also important to call out when harmful language or behaviors are identified to make effective change. Educating others on harmful language, or educating others on the realities of mental health disorders can go a long way in not just creating change in one’s own life, but the lives of community members.

The stigmas surrounding mental health and recovery can be intimidating and can compromise otherwise effective treatment programs before they begin. We at Avalon Malibu understand the need to address mental health stigma, both in individuals and entire communities. We provide education to those looking for treatment as well as their families to help challenge stigmas and normalize pursuing personal needs and goals. For more information about mental health needs or for information on our treatment programs, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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