3 Ways To Spend A Weekend Without Alcohol | Avalon Malibu

3 Ways To Spend A Weekend Without Alcohol

friends watching movie or tv

For most people who go to treatment for alcohol use disorder, their drinking wasn’t restricted to the weekend anymore. Still, when the weekend rolls around, there can be triggers for drinking as millions of other people do so. Weekends can still be fun, safe, and healthy. Here are three ideas:

Have a movie marathon

You can have a movie marathon without creating a drinking game to go with it. One of the best ways to distract as well as entertain and educate your mind is with movies. Pick a TV show, pick a series of movies, or pick a topic for documentaries. Call over your sober friends, make your favorite snacks, and hang out in front of the TV. For the earliest months of recovery, taking it easy and laying low will be the best option. Your body and your mind are still healing. In just a few short weeks to a few more months you will be feeling even better than you do now, which is much better compared to the first stages of detox and withdrawal. Movie nights with friends can be fun ways to spend sober time together, make the hours go by, have fun, and bond.

Go dancing

Once you are feeling more secure in your sobriety and in better form physically, you can go back out to do some of the things you used to love doing. Some alcoholics in recovery feel like they cannot go back to the environments in which they used to drink. At times, this is the wisest choice. However, living in recovery from alcoholism does not mean living in fear of alcohol. When that is the case, the alcohol still holds all of the power. Recovery is a freedom and a confidence to be able to live in such a way which does not necessitate the use of alcohol. Dancing happens to be one of those ways. Many people feel that they cannot dance without being drunk. Once they go dancing sober and learn that they can lose their inhibition without “liquid courage” it boosts their self-esteem to a whole new level- beyond what they thought was possible. Dancing in sobriety can be a good exercise for mind, body, and spirit. Sometimes it helps the soul to get dressed up, stay out late, and have a good time.

Friday/Saturday night yoga

Yoga is a proven practice for mental health and substance use disorder recovery. Research has found that yoga effectively reduces symptoms of and intensity of yoga. A stress reducer, yoga can cause a decrease in inflammation and a reduction in the cravings for alcohol. Many yoga studios offer a fun alternative to the common class on the weekends. Black lights, disco balls, and bumping music turn the yoga studio into a mind, body, spirit, club. Bring some spirituality and holistic health into your weekend with a fun late night yoga class. Most other people are likely to be sober and enjoying their weekend in a healthy way.


Recovery is a lifestyle you can trust. Find your life of recovery starting today by going to a trusted treatment program with trusted results. Avalon By The Sea is a certified primary mental health and primary substance use disorder treatment program, offering the best in dual diagnosis care. For a confidential assessment and more information, call us today: 888-958-7511


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