What You Need To Know About Dual Diagnosis: Mental Health Disorders And Addiction

dual diagnosis patient
  • Dual Diagnosis Is Normal: Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder are common dual-diagnosis mental health disorders with addiction. It is more common for dual diagnosis to occur than it is for it not to occur. A majority of addiction is born out of a need to cope. Coping is way we deal with life’s problems. Sometimes those problems are external to us, like trauma. Other times, those problems are internal, like a mental health disorder. Most mental health disorders go undiagnosed and untreated. Living with ongoing symptoms can make life feel unbearable. The euphoric effects of drugs and alcohol are appealing and provide a relief, temporarily. Once addiction fully develops, it becomes a new problem of its own.
  • Addiction Has Similar Symptoms As Mental Illness: Symptoms of depression, anxiety, extreme emotion, and other common symptoms of mental health disorders can be presented during an addiction. Drugs and alcohol are mind altering substances, meaning they alter the normal chemistry of the mind. As a result, similar symptoms show up, which can be confusing as to whether someone primarily struggles with addiction or mental health disorders.
  • Anyone With A Mental Health Disorder Is Prone To Addiction: Rates of developing an addiction are higher for people with a mental health disorder. Whether or not that mental health disorder is diagnosed and treated has some influence. Most who are undiagnosed and untreated are likely to turn to substance abuse as a form of self medication. However, many people who do receive treatment, such as prescription medications, can still turn to substance abuse as a form of coping.
  • Treating Dual Diagnosis Is Possible: Treating both mental health disorders and substance use disorders is possible. With the right treatment center it is possible to provide therapeutic care to both issues. Recovery from mental health disorders as well as addiction disorders requires healing of the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Treating Dual Diagnosis Is Necessary: Not only is treating mental health disorders possible, but it is necessary. Without treating one or the other, an individual is left with troublesome symptoms for which they have no coping skills. By approaching both issues at once, an individual gains better understanding of themselves, receives more specific therapy, and can be prescribed necessary medications for a mental health disorder.

Avalon By The Sea is a certified dual diagnosis treatment center, providing primary care for mental health disorders when they are a primary diagnosis as well as a co-occurring disorder. For a confidential assessment and more information on our programs, call 1 888-958-7511.

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