Therapy and Confidentiality

Therapy and Confidentiality

At Avalon Malibu, we provide therapy and strongly believe in its importance. Focusing on your mental health is essential and there are many different topics that can accompany discussing therapy. At Avalon Malibu, we love speaking with our clients about therapy and confidentiality. Let’s dive into this topic further and go over what you need to know about disclosure and therapy.

Therapy and Confidentiality

If you’re new to starting therapy, then you may have a few different questions. One thing that many people are unsure about is confidentiality. Whether you’re unsure what your therapist will share with others or want to learn more about disclosure, keep reading.


In most therapy cases, what you say to your therapist will remain confidential. However, there are some situations in which a therapist can legally breach confidentiality. 

If there is a safety concern, such as a minor being harmed, then your therapist is most likely legally allowed to breach confidentiality. Making sure that everyone in a situation is safe is important and this is a goal of therapists. Keep in mind that therapists are mandatory reporters, so they’ll need to disclose serious safety concerns to the appropriate authorities.

Personal Details

In most situations, your personal details will be kept private. As we mentioned previously, a safety concern would be an exception to this. However, if you want to talk about getting a divorce or another sensitive subject, you can be confident that it will stay between you and your therapist.

If you’re unsure about what information your therapist can share with others, consider asking them that question in one of your first sessions. This is a great way to make sure that everyone’s on the same page and you’re sharing what you want to in a comfortable way. Don’t hesitate to bring up any concerns or questions with your therapist, as they’ll be able to provide you with answers that are specific to your situation.

If you still have questions about therapy and confidentiality, then you’re not alone. Speaking with a member of our team is a great way to make sure that you’re on the right track and that you have the support you need to make mental health decisions. If you’d like to move forward with a conversation, you can do so by giving us a call today at (844) 857-5992. We’ll connect you with a member of our staff who can answer any questions that you may have.

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