Facing Phobias With Didactic Group Therapy

Facing Phobias With Didactic Group Therapy

An overwhelming fear of a specific object or situation can disrupt a person’s lifestyle. These types of fears are called phobias. Phobias can make it hard for people to manage life’s biggest priorities. Facing phobias without receiving treatment can be challenging. However, moving forward with didactic group therapy at Avalon Malibu can help people overcome their phobias.

What Is a Phobia?

According to the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, it is normal for an individual to experience great feelings of fear as a natural response to genuine danger. On the other hand, phobias can either be excessive or leave one experiencing irrational thoughts. A specific phobia is an unusual fearful response to endangerment that an individual may imagine or exaggerate. Phobias can be problematic for those of all ages in just about every part of America.

Different Types of Phobias

Phobias can stem from bad experiences, learned behaviors, or abnormal brain function. For example, if an individual experiences shock associated with a certain event or object, this can trigger a phobia. Sometimes, listening to or being exposed to a bad situation can also trigger a phobia.

Certain phobias can be learned during one’s upbringing. Say a family member has a great fear of something or presents anxious behavior. This may influence a loved one to develop certain phobias in the future. Types of phobias include but are not limited to the following:

  • Phobia of medical settings or treatment: trypanophobia, dentophobia, hemophobia
  • Fear of insects or animals: cynophobia, batrachophobia, equinophobia
  • Phobia of situations: glossophobia, aerophobia, claustrophobia
  • Fear of the natural environment: astraphobia, hydrophobia, dendrophobia

Phobia Symptoms

Everyone has a personal history related to their developed phobia. Therefore, not everyone reacts to certain phobias in the same way. Symptoms typically consist of physical, psychological, or behavioral symptoms. Common symptoms include:

  • Having feelings of dread, terror, panic, or horror
  • Understanding that one’s fear encompasses standard boundaries and the primary threat of danger
  • Experiencing uncontrollable reactions that automatically take over one’s thought patterns
  • Feeling shortness of breath, trembling, or developing an overwhelming urge to flee the situation
  • Taking extreme measures to avoid the object or situation

How Many People Are Facing Phobias?

Phobias can be problematic for those of all ages in just about every part of America. The degree of impairment can range from mild to severe. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the prevalence of specific phobias among adults in the United States from 2001 to 2003 included:

  • Approximately 9.1% of adults aged 18 or older faced challenges with a specific phobia within the past year.
  • About 12.5% of U.S. adults face difficulty with specific phobias at one point in their lifetime.
  • Within the last year, 21.9% of U.S. adults experienced serious impairment, 30% experienced moderate complications, and 48.1% experienced only minor impairment from their phobias.

The Challenges of Facing Phobias Without Treatment

As previously mentioned, those with unaddressed phobias avoid specific things that cause them great fear. Unfortunately, these restrictions put unwanted limitations on one’s lifestyle. Avoidance can also hinder one’s ability to engage in adventurous activities and find new opportunities in life. Although limiting certain activities can seem helpful, doing so may cause co-occurring mental health conditions such as major depression or anxiety disorders.

If left unmanaged, phobias can lead to suicidal ideation. Also, when people attempt to suppress their tough emotions with harmful substances, this can, in turn, worsen one’s mental state and lead to complications in their lives.

What Is Didactic Group Therapy?

Facing phobias can be quite challenging. However, when someone accepts their mental health condition and begins professional treatment, it can be a rewarding experience. Although the process of finding an effective treatment plan can seem overwhelming, speaking with a trained specialist can create a clear path forward. Developing a comprehensive treatment plan can be a great way to explore effective options that promote a successful path to a lasting recovery.

For example, didactic group therapy can be a worthwhile psychotherapy to help people overcome specific phobias. This type of therapy is also known as “psychoeducational” therapy and is a form of group therapy. The modality uses a teaching method within a classroom-style format to educate people about substance use disorders (SUDs). 

The goal of didactic group therapy is to help people recover by providing information about the medical aspects of their conditions. Counseling, coaching, and education can significantly improve an individual’s well-being. Didactic groups foster critical thinking, collaborative learning, and a sense of self-empowerment.

Facing Phobias With Didactic Group Therapy at Avalon Malibu

Moving forward with didactic group therapy at Avalon Malibu can be beneficial. Using the skills learned in treatment outside therapy can further enhance an individual’s path toward lasting recovery. Although certain phobias can give someone a sense of unreality, didactic therapy can help people overcome those feelings and fears. 

The benefits of participating in didactic group therapy include:

  • The development of problem-solving skills
  • Increased self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Relapse prevention
  • Increased motivation through peers
  • The acquisition of new coping strategies
  • Improved distress tolerance
  • Enhanced self-awareness

Having a mental health disorder can leave you feeling as though you are the only one experiencing your symptoms. Avalon Malibu offers progressive and highly favored therapies for phobias, using a holistic mind, body, and spirit approach to healing and recovery. When a client arrives at Avalon with any particular phobia, they can expect compassion and respect. Each client is prescribed a unique and individualized treatment plan for treating phobias. The process of healing is one of self-realization and the peeling away of the fears and negativity that obscure the light of your core self. Call Avalon Malibu at (844) 857-5992 to gain support for facing phobias through didactic group therapy.

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