Navigating Mental Health Medical Leave

Navigating Mental Health Medical Leave

Mental health medical leave is something that’s not often talked about. At Avalon Malibu, we’re passionate about shedding light on mental health topics that aren’t often discussed. In this article, we’re going to discuss some important things to know about navigating mental health medical leave. Let’s get started!

Mental Health Medical Leave

Did you know that mental health conditions can qualify someone for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) medical leave? Taking advantage of this benefit is a great way to get your mental health on track and make sure that you have the time you need to focus on your mental health and its improvement.

People take mental health medical leave for a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons is that they’re not able to complete their daily job functions while also receiving the mental health support that they need.

In most cases, a mental health condition will require inpatient care or continuing treatment from a provider to qualify for the FMLA leave conditions. How much time someone is allowed to take within the FMLA rules will depend on a few different factors. The maximum that most individuals can take would be 12 work weeks of leave. This is available for people who are seeking to deal with their serious mental health situation.

Taking FMLA leave for a mental health condition is an option that many people don’t know about, but it can be a great way to make sure that you receive the help you need without the constraints of your job. Could this be the right option for you and your mental health situation?

Avalon Malibu

If you’re going to be taking FMLA leave so that you can pursue in-patient treatment, we’re here to support you. We’re a leading treatment facility in California and our staff is always here to answer any questions that you may have about our mental health treatment offerings.

Finding mental health treatment facilities can be challenging. If you’re currently looking for a treatment facility in California, we’d love to share some more information with you about the services we provide. If this is something you’d be interested in, you can reach us by calling (844) 857-5992. We’ll either connect you with a member of our staff or get back to you with a response as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take a step towards improving your mental health!

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