Understanding Avalon Malibu’s 5 Levels of Care

Understanding Avalon Malibu's 5 Levels of Care

Addiction affects millions of people every year. A 2019 study reported that an estimated 20.4 million people were diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD), with only 10% receiving treatment. When ignored, SUD can lead to more severe mental and physical health conditions and even death. Avalon Malibu makes treatment easy by providing five top-quality levels of care.

We offer fully comprehensive SUD care programs with a fully staffed team of passionate and dedicated professionals. Our team is highly trained to accommodate and provide the highest quality treatment to assist our clients in their recovery journey while healing their minds along the way.

The 5 Levels of Care

Avalon Malibu encompasses two homes that were constructed on a foundation of hospitality, respect, and elegance. We believe in embracing addiction along with its co-occurring mental health concerns. By taking a holistic approach, we take great measures to provide five exemplary levels of care to address every aspect of an individual’s physical, spiritual, and mental health.

Level 1: Licensed Addiction Residential Treatment (Detoxification)

The very first level of care for any addiction treatment program is detoxification. We understand how scary the thought of withdrawal can be and take extensive measures to help our clients overcome this challenge to successfully progress through this step safely and, above all, comfortably.

Every recovery journey is unique, and each client receives a completely customized treatment plan to suit their individual needs. On the first day, a medical assessment will be done, and if the need is decided upon, the client will begin the short-term detoxification process under medical supervision 24 hours a day to ensure a safe and comfortable experience. This will then lead to level two of care.

Level 2: Licensed Mental Health Residential Treatment

Residential programs, or inpatient care, are a key element to recovery. These not only focus on addiction treatment but on overall mental health as well. Our Grand House and Cottage House implement a wide scope of evidence-based treatment modalities that focus on targeting and correcting negativity for a more positive default through therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectal behavior therapy (DBT), and many others.

In addition to well-established therapy options, our homes focus on a full-circle health plan that encompasses mental health, physical health, and spiritual health. Clients will be able to strengthen interpersonal relationships, participate in fun and exciting recovery-oriented activities, and work toward a long-lasting substance-free future.

Level 3: Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

The third level of care is a highly structured plan of part-time hospitalization that takes place during the day without the need for an overnight stay. While the need for this plan may not be for every client, in severe addiction cases, this treatment is essential to progressing positively through recovery. This program is a great alternative to inpatient treatment and makes for a smooth transition to our residential treatment plan or our intensive outpatient program (IOP).

Level 4: Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

This level of care encompasses our IOP. These are structured for cases where residential care may be unaffordable or around-the-clock care isn’t needed. People who choose this program likely have an existing healthy support team through loved ones that can help oversee their progress and medical needs.

Another key component of this program is the flexible schedule that it provides. The working adult has responsibilities that can’t be ignored, and this allows you to receive top-quality care without having to enroll in an inpatient program. You won’t have to sacrifice your home life or work life with our flexible outpatient program.

Level 5: Outpatient Medication Management

When a client completes our program, they will participate in a completion ceremony to celebrate their recovery and the work they’ve put into bettering themselves and their future. Getting to this point is an achievement to be proud of, and we will celebrate with you. At Avalon Malibu, our levels of care don’t end at the completion ceremony, though, and neither does recovery.

Recovery is an ongoing process that we keep the door open for. This final level of care focuses on the transition into daily life while maintaining treatment well after recovery. Continued support and communication are key to a long-lasting and successful recovery story. We strive to help our clients effectively manage any medications and provide any services necessary to maintain their recovery and prevent relapse.

A Substance-Free Future Full of Care

Overcoming addiction is not without effort. It is a process that takes time and work. Despite this, recovery is possible, and you deserve it. It doesn’t matter if you’re recently struggling with addiction or if you’ve experienced it for many years. Those of us at Avalon Malibu welcome all walks of life. Addiction can cloud your mind and have you believe there’s no hope. But addiction lies. There’s hope, there’s recovery, and it can be yours.

Living with addiction is a daily challenge that no one should have to deal with, and that includes you. You deserve a future where substances are long forgotten about. A future free of these chains that bind you. A future that is enriched with joy, happiness, and above all, hope. Let Avalon Malibu be the spark that lights the flame of hope inside your heart. We can help you fan that fire into a roaring passion for a substance-free life. Call us today at (844) 857-5992 for more information and to get started with treatment. You deserve the best, and we can give you that and much more. Hope, recovery, and happiness can be yours today. 

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