Overcoming Anxiety Surrounding Therapy

Overcoming Anxiety Surrounding Therapy

Many people have anxiety surrounding therapy. At Avalon Malibu, we’ve seen how beneficial therapy can be, but we know that it’s not always an easy decision to make. However, it is possible to start overcoming anxiety surrounding therapy. In this blog, we will share some of the things we do at Avalon Malibu to help.

Understanding Anxiety Surrounding Therapy

There are so many reasons individuals can have anxiety surrounding therapy. For some, being vulnerable is scary. Because of this, they avoid starting the therapy process. Therapy pushes someone to open up and challenges them to make changes. Others are afraid to do the hard work that’s often required to achieve better mental health.

It’s essential to understand why someone is struggling with the idea of starting therapy. In some cases, it’s a good idea to enroll in therapy even if a person is having anxiety about it. Someone can bring up that anxiety in their first session and be open with their therapist about how they’re feeling. It’s important to always be open and transparent with one’s therapist so that they can provide them with the best support possible.

Therapy at Avalon Malibu

Regardless of why a person is having anxiety about starting therapy, it could still be right for them. We encourage our clients to consider therapy because of the many benefits it provides. Taking that first step and making that first phone call can be the scariest part. Once a person begins, they see the benefits therapy can provide.

At Avalon Malibu, we’re passionate about providing individualized support. This means that we make a personalized treatment plan for each of our clients. This not only sets them up for success but means that they’ll have access to the treatments that make the most sense for them.

Because we offer so many different services, our clients have access to a wide range of support options. Many people find this comforting and enjoy knowing that they have different options at their treatment center. It also means that it’s possible to pivot and change the plan if one type of treatment or therapy isn’t the right fit. Starting therapy is a big decision, but it’s one that could change your life for the better.

If you’re struggling with the idea of starting therapy, you’re not alone. We understand just how big of a decision this can be, so our staff members are here to provide holistic support and walk you through the process. It’s never too late to start therapy and work toward achieving your mental health goals. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at (844) 857-5992 to discuss with a member of our staff whether Avalon Malibu could be the right fit for you.

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