What to Do When You Feel Lost

What to Do When You Feel Lost

Feeling lost is an isolating yet common experience that you may experience throughout your life. Perhaps you are reading this and feel like you are lost but are not sure what you are looking for. It can be hard to know what you are trying to find, and what you need to feel connected to yourself, others, and life. Although an uncomfortable space to be in, feeling lost can lead to discovering clarity.

Shifting Your Perspective

It is cliche but true that you need the daytime to have nighttime, need the sun to have the moon. When it comes to feelings and emotions, you must move through the darkness to find your light. To feel connected to your life with clarity for what you need, you must also wrestle with disconnection and confusion as to what this means for you. Sometimes feeling lost leads you to find something you never knew you needed.

Allowing Yourself to Be Where You Are

Oftentimes when you are experiencing uncomfortable emotions, thoughts, and sensations, it is easy to tell yourself that you should not be feeling how you are feeling, that how you feel is bad, and therefore you are bad. It is not the emotions or feelings that you have that are wrong, it is what you choose to think of and do about them.

If you can accept yourself where you are and allow what you are experiencing to be ok, you might just find the pathway to something better.

Giving Yourself Time

It takes time to move through seasons of life marked by resistance, confusion, and disconnection. Embrace the darker seasons of life and allow yourself to move through them at your own pace without trying to force yourself to be somewhere you are not.

It can be helpful to remind yourself that you are safe to be where you are and that you are experiencing healing in perfect timing. It may also help to focus on what you need and can do today, instead of trying to figure out what you need to do for the rest of your life.

Feeling lost can create a sense of urgency and make you feel like you need to get rid of the feeling and find your way again immediately. Instead, embrace where you are and allow yourself to feel lost in order to find yourself. Through shifting your perspective, radical acceptance, and patience, you can move through this season with more ease and self-compassion.

Experiencing seasons of life where you feel lost and disconnected is a normal part of being human, although it can also feel isolating and lonely. At Avalon Malibu, we recognize how difficult it can be to move through darker seasons of life marked by trauma, addiction, and mental illness when you do not have support. We are here to support you as you move through healing, especially when you feel lost. If you are ready for support in your growth, call Avalon Malibu today at (844) 857-5992.

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