Don’t Focus On How You Will Recover

Lonely man by the shore

Trying to figure out how you are going to recover from anxiety, depression, substance use, or post-traumatic stress disorder can feel overwhelming; it can also prevent you from beginning to heal.

However, realizing that there are trained professionals to support you in your healing process and not focusing on the how of recovery can enable you to get past those barriers and seek the help you need and deserve.

Don’t Distract Yourself With Wondering How

Focusing on how you are going to recover distracts you from staying present. Part of you may believe you need to control your recovery and know how it works to be successful. However, this is not your responsibility in order to recover from mental illness as it can prevent healing. Your job is to trust that trained professionals in the field of mental health and substance use disorders will be there to support you as your healing process unfolds

Release Control

Focusing on how is a way of trying to control your situation when you do not know what the recovery journey looks like or how long it will take. You may be experiencing the pressure to know the answers to these questions. This can be especially true if you feel like you have always had a plan or had to know exactly how things worked to be successful.

However, try and free yourself of the expectation to know everything, releasing control and simply being present and mindful of what is truly important.

Trust Your Instincts

Releasing the pressure to know exactly what your healing journey will look like can allow you to be able to listen to your gut and follow your intuition. This will enable you to get the help you need to recover without the distractions of expectations regarding what your recovery journey should look like.

Trusting yourself is a vital aspect of any healing journey, even when a part of you feels like it is not safe to do so.

Releasing the pressure to figure out what your recovery will be like can feel intimidating and prevent you from experiencing the healing you deserve. At Avalon Malibu, we will support you by addressing your recovery needs so you can experience a healing process that is beneficial for you. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, trauma, substance use, or other mental illness concerns, we can help you recover. You will also be among professionals and peers that support a safe environment. To learn more, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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