We’re in this Together

We’re in this Together

Group therapy is a form of psychotherapy where a group of individuals discusses their problems together under the care of a licensed professional. It is common to feel apprehensive at first when you are asked to get vulnerable and share with other people at this level. It can feel uncomfortable or there may exist fear that others won’t understand.

The common goal of group therapy is to identify patterns and behaviors concerning the problem. This is done with other individuals that suffer from the same problem. What this allows is complete acceptance of others and your dilemma.

Groups provide support to the individual. When you experience a mental health issue it is common to feel like you are completely alone in feeling that way. Sometimes you are the only one in your family that may be struggling. If you suffer from substance use disorder it can feel like the world is against you.

Other people who don’t suffer from this may not understand completely although they want to help. When you are in a group therapy setting, other people with this common issue share about the difficulties and in that setting you won’t feel alone. Feeling isolated in these disorders can be detrimental to the recovery process. Therefore, getting honest is key.


They can provide you with feedback. At times we have a seemingly great idea and with group therapy, sharing that idea can lead to helpful suggestions. It can help you differentiate what is a useful tool and what is a misguided thought. With this feedback, you can help one another recover in unison.

Social Skills

This type of therapy provides much needed social interaction. We tend to isolate ourselves which is the worst thing we could do in getting better. Group therapy can propel you into social interaction and ease you into social situations if you have social anxiety.


Sharing with other people is a type of healing. Our fears are much greater in our minds. When we share our fears out loud, it can take the power out of the actual fear or resentment. It can also be utilized as a mirror. When someone else discusses what they are going through, you may find that you feel the same way. This can lead to finding out different things you may be struggling with that you weren’t even aware of before.

At Avalon Malibu professionals utilize group therapy as a form of treatment. This community-oriented therapy can help you feel supported and loved. If you or someone you know need help, call Avalon Malibu today and a professional can help guide you through the intake process (844)-857-5992.

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