The Art of Self-Sabotage in Recovery

The Art of Self-Sabotage in Recovery

There are some beautiful moments in recovery when we find ourselves at a steady pace – we’ve set a routine, we’re building momentum and we’re starting to see our goals become actualized as we continue to push forward. As this occurs in life, however, this too occurs in recovery; we find that even after having just been recently confident in our recovery efforts, we suddenly take a plunge and we begin to go back into the “lows”. There’s no stopping the highs and lows from coming and going, but if we take the lows too seriously, we may wind up holding ourselves back in recovery.

A few years ago,  a young man shared his journey of recovery via Be Inspired Everyday. He explained that through addiction, he learned to become comfortable with conflict and chaos; even after he’d been working hard in recovery, he found himself self-sabotaging. He explained, “One of the lessons I learned in the process is that addiction and other forms of self-sabotage come from internal conflict…We become convinced, though usually not consciously, that our self-sabotaging behavior is necessary in order to protect ourselves.”

Thought Catalog noted in 2017 a number of other ways we self-sabotage, even if we don’t know it:

  •    We cancel plans last minute (12-Step meetings, therapy, group activities, etc.)
  •    We never get out of our comfort zone, even though it’d actually help us grow in recovery
  •    We become increasingly negative about ourselves, and we start to expect the worst
  •    We wait until the last minute to get things done
  •    We put aside our own recovery goals in pursuit of helping other people reach theirs

If you’re starting to recognize some strong signs of self-sabotage, it’s time to take a step back. Ground yourself through meditation, breathing exercises and other holistic practices – even yoga – to help you center. Get back into hobbies that spark joy and creativity for you. Force yourself to engage with life, even when you’d rather stay at home. Talk to people in your treatment program and get to know them on a better level. Stop skipping your recovery-related activities – and start reading books to promote knowledge on the topics that you’re sincerely interested in.

By taking a step back, you may be able to see the bigger picture of recovery, of yourself, and of life. If you’re ready to begin working towards your mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing, speak with someone from Avalon Malibu today.

Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed mental health and substance abuse recovery center. If you are ready to seek treatment to develop the tools you need to overcome life’s obstacles and be on the road towards happiness, health, and well-being, call us today at 888-958-7511 for a consultation. It’s never too late, and there are people here ready to help you.

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