Do I Have To Reinvent Myself In Recovery?










The only thing you have to change is everything is a commonly hear witticism in recovery. Whether for a mental health disorder or a substance use disorder, going into recovery means making changes. Physically, mentally, and spiritually, you will be growing and developing in ways you never have before. Each day will bring a new opportunity to learn more about yourself, make choices about who you want to be, and take action for growing into that person. Recovery is an incredible journey through identity and personality. You get to take what you want and leave the rest behind.

On the other hand, recovery is a journey of recovering who you already have been and restoring parts of you which have been lost. Authenticity is an important theme in recovery. You don’t have to try and be someone else in recovery, especially if you are afraid being yourself will lead you to relapse. Self-hatred and self-loathing cause low self-esteem and are often short cuts to relapse in themselves. Avoiding who you are to try to be someone else will never feel quite right. By creating new parts of you and nurturing old parts of you, you become your best self, the happiest and healthiest you’ve likely been in many years. For trying something new, or trying something old, try these suggestions.

Try Something You’d Never Try

Everyone has a list of “Things I Would Do If…” if they weren’t too shy, too afraid, too insecure, or whatever their block may be. Recovery has given you a new opportunity to live your life to the fullest. Within safety and reason, try the new things you never thought you would be able to. You’ll find you are capable of more than you know.

Try Something You’ve Wanted To Try

Many people in recovery have another list, a list of all the things they meant to do, wanted to do, and ultimately couldn’t do because their addiction or the symptoms of their mental health disorder got in the way. Fulfilling old dreams will boost your self-esteem and remind you that anything is possible in recovery.

Be Curious About How Other People Create Their Identity

Becoming comfortable with yourself and how you express who you are is a journey and an art form. In recovery, you have the distinct gift of constantly being around people on that journey who have had years more of practice. When you meet someone who seems effortlessly themselves, ask them about their journey to embracing who they are. They will remember their early days like yours and be happy to tell you their journey while sharing some inspirational insight.


Avalon By The Sea provides trusted residential treatment programs and a full continuum of care which provide trusted results. Healing mind, body, and spirit, our programs provide a lifetime of recovery. For a confidential assessment and more information, call us today at 888-958-7511.

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